Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Sounding off with sophistication...

Everybody has an opinion. I acknowledge this as a universal, if unremarkable truth. I have aired a great number in this blog. But I do my best not to prosthelytize or even bang my drum (which is much easier to spell). Alright, occasionally, I might. However, I did feel that Mrs Streep gave in to the actor's huge temptation  of using the Golden Globe ceremony as a political platform. I am not heavy duty in admonishment, in that  I might easily have done the same. It's just that I feel it was unwise.
These are not normal times. The US have a President-elect who brays from his side of the school yard by using Twitter. Meryl Streep's comments, justifiable as they were, are simply trumped by a disparaging tweet. What happens next? Does she then engage in an argument  focusing on the insult that she is a second rate actress?  No, you have to let his words hang in the air. Confident that they will soon be superseded by utterances more asinine.
My personal award goes to Hugh Laurie when he accepted his Golden Globe for his portrayal of the baddie in The Night Manager: "on behalf of psychopathic billionaires everywhere."
A supreme example of where saying less, is so much more..
Hugh Laurie Managing to get it Right on the Night

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