Thursday, 5 January 2017

A return to auld claes and cauld porritch...

A new year and new beginnings. If your new year's resolution involves a Ninja Auto iq then don't take it out of the box, and get a refund while you can. Seriously. Mine has been off the shelf twice this year. Good for the upper arms, if used regularly, because it's a heavy little blighter. But as it's only been given two outings my bingo wings still flap in the breeze. Go for a hand blender. That would be my advice, if you think the answer to a slim new you, involves puree. Or Gloop, as Dearest refers to my homemade blended soup.
It may be back to school for many today. However, it's back to Slimmers World for me after a six week sabbatical to deal with toe. (Still plumptious, but quite painless, thanks for asking.)I love my Slimming Leader. No, I am not going to run off with her. I just love the fact that she is real. She put on five pounds over Christmas. Who is not going to love a leader who confesses to having eaten a whole big bag of Kettles crisps and a tub of Hummus: twenty minutes and 70 syns later she ground to a halt, having scoffed the lot. Yes, the last thing you want, is a young, smug stick-insect preaching at you: I used to be like you, but now, I'm better.  No, Claire is completely one of us. Her struggle is our struggle.
So I came out of there glowing with re-booted resolve. Came home. Ate a balanced, nutritious meal and had some fruit. And some more fruit. And some more. And no matter how much fruit I ate, I failed to fill that carbohydrate-shaped space in my stomach. So  I had a piece of my banana cake.
A banana. One of my five a day.
Yes, I know. Sometimes I like all my syns in one hit.
Bananas queuing up to become banana cake

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