Friday, 13 January 2017

No business like snow business...

If you don't get very much of something, then there is a strong possibility that you will go beserk when you do. No, I am not talking about tackling that left behind box of Quality Street. That seriously wasn't me. Not this year, anyway.
I am talking about snow. We really don't do snow well in the UK. Thankfully, we do not get a great deal of the stuff, but when we do, it always seems to take us by surprise. Not this time though. We have been ardent weather-watchers this week. Bracing ourselves for some great white-out. Heralded by the headlines of The Daily Express last week who always like to be right on it even when historically proven to be right off it. Particularly memorable being the "Barbecue Summer" of  recent times when the summer turned out to be one of the worst on record.
We have been checking iPhones, Met sites and exchanging updates on a regular basis. This morning in the South East we have had a token offering. Not enough for a scrimp snowball.
Thank the good Lord and bless those gritters everywhere.
Black Bird by Nicola Byrne www.

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