This is a question which haunts me from time to time. Then the way to deal with any hovering spectre is to turn on the light and ignore it. There are far more interesting things to talk about than your bunions, or slightly more fascinating, my bunions. (One ex-bunion on the left and one incipient but not critical one, on the right. If you're doing a bunion audit, by any any chance? I thought not.)
For the unbunionated, the topic of bunions is boring. For the bunionated, or Bunionistas, as a preferable term, bunions are a source of constant discomfort that sometimes reach such a crescendo of pain that one is driven to decision-making. Should you have the damn things lopped off or do you continue to stagger around wearing flattie strappy sandals that let them poke out, or squeeze them into shoes in the vain hope they will make comfortable bunion-pockets either side and enable you to walk around with a smile, instead of looking as though you have swallowed lemon juice?
In January 2016 I had a bunion operation. Around this time I thought I would write a Bunion Blog to chart my experience in the hope that it would give some insight to those teetering on the surgery decision. Obviously I ran out of stuff to say about bunions as bunions, frankly, took a back seat in my life. But by this time, I had got into a writing habit and enjoyed keeping a diary. Instead of looking for another title I blundered on with TGBB because I was rather fond of it. The only snag is that people searching for bunion blogs come across mine. They read the latest post and think why is this mad woman banging on about her life, with nary a word written about her bunions?
This was brought home to me by a recent comment from Ms C.Yan of Singapore who wrote:
"Where is bunion?"
Where is bunion indeed? So I helpfully directed her to the start of the blog where she could find plenty of bunion talk. So I am writing this post as a sign-post, really, to weary Bunionistas in search of hard core information. Go back to the beginning!
For everyone else who has remained with me so far, I thank you for your loyal readership. I hope I sometimes make you smile. I certainly don't set out to make you think. There are too many other things going on in the world to do that.
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