Monday, 2 April 2018

Below the Surface: Danish Drama at home...

We love all things Danish in this house. We embrace the unpronounceable hygge in every way. I'm not sure hygge includes Danish pastries, but, if it did, we would need no second bidding to scoff them. Well, one of us would.  I personally am back on the wagon.

Left to our own devices this Easter break, we resorted to Box Sex which seems like a very Danish thing to do on an unremittingly dreich (Scottish not Danish) long weekend. Recently, tired of the endless gore, murder and missing children that seem to inhabit our television choices, we found the American series, This is Us.  Initially appealing, we watched it until eventually one of us said that he couldn't take any more. Which is what happens when you eat cheesecake, slice after slice every night. You go off cheesecake. It is not the cheesecake's fault.

So as an anti-dote to the saccharine, I scrolled through the schedules until I found a Danish drama. Now we like a Danish drama. Borgen? What was there not to love about Borgen?  So I found Below the Surface, a hostage drama, not overtly violent, on catch-up TV. Now the enormous bonus of reading subtitles is that you have to engage with the story and cannot go to sleep whilst protesting that you are still listening to the dialogue.  I was, however, quite content to stop after a number of episodes, but Dearest was right up there with the action and wanted to push on. Which we did.
Until we got to the final episode. This was no boxed sex. This was catch-up TV and the final episode would not be broadcast for another week! No Dane-ooh-ment until next week! Talk about coitus interruptus. Boxed sex has spoilt us. We are going to have to wait a whole six days before we can resume this game of quoits.
It's enough to make one head for the Danish pastries.

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