Thursday, 22 March 2018

Wedding invitation.....

Posh wedding guest. That's me. Yessiree. Send me a text at 6.00pm for a 640am call the next day and I can rustle up the appropriate gear. Just like that. (Tommy Cooper without the fez.) That's because I am posh. I'm not really. I just never throw a hat away, and have inherited a few after my mother. I also kept the black and cream linen coat that DD wore for her graduation. Just in case. Black skinny jeans under which I could put several thermal layers, and black flatties because nobody but the uninitiated wears heels to day's filming, and a thirty year old black hat with veil and feather that I 'd bought for my father's funeral, and I was done. Amazing really, when you think of the agonising and expense of sorting out an outfit for a real wedding.

The cold. Always the cold. Fear of not finding the unit base, top of the list. Followed by the cold. It was going to be several degrees warmer. The next day there was blue sky and sunshine. And a biting wind that sliced you in two. Despite all this, it was a good day. An interesting crowd. A young and compassionate crew that realised that pretending it is blooming June in the middle of March is a tough call. A lot of flag-waving and cheering required, for this is a comedy. Not a subtle one at that. A great deal of "creative reaction" from the crowd required.

Love it. Just hoping that my own enthusiastic creative reaction falls the right side of gurning. I've been told to tone it down in the past. So mortifying.
Can't wait to carry on next week.
This'll do ....

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