Friday, 12 January 2018

Royal dis-appointment....

Oh, I was upset yesterday. The lingerie company, Rigby and Peller has lost its Royal Warranty. No longer bosom pals with Betty Windsor, our enduring monarch, it seems. The royal warranty, in case you don't know, is bestowed on those trades people whose services are used by the older members of our royal family. This authorises a  By Royal Appointment on their product and enables them to gain kudos.
The founder of Rigby and Peller, apparently wrote a biography detailing the rise of the company. A nattily entitled tome called "Storm in a D Cup". Love the pun, but really, who's going to read it? Pervs, obviously, and, oh yes, the nit-pickers at Buckingham Palace. (Not always mutually exclusive.) Ms Kenton had the temerity to document that her company attended the Queen and Princess Margaret. One imagines that  as soon as you  stick a discreet crown-shaped emblem on your packaging, then the proverbial cat is out of the brassiere. Oh lawks! The Queen wears a bra and it comes from R&P, the serfs surmise without too much head-scratching. (But they lice can be troublesome...)

So now it's RiP for R&P? Hopefully not.  Rigby and Peller showed me many years ago that there is a world beyond Marks and Spencer's, if substantial upholstery is what you're after. However, ridiculously rising prices made me search further afield. Bravissimo has earned my personal recommendation for those who are bountifully breasted.

I just hope that while her mini minions are keeping royal protocols pure and unsullied, Her Majesty is actually keeping abreast of the situation.

Or we might see a Drooping of the Colour?

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