Monday, 18 September 2017

George Lets the Side Down (Badly)..

Look, I have to say straight away: he was not my pin-up boy. I don't have a pin-up boy. Haven't had one since I tore Steve Marriott of Small Faces, from the pages of  "Jackie," and sellotaped it to my bedroom wall. So when I bring up the case of our ex-Chancellor, George Osborne, I don't want you thinking I held him previously in some kind of esteem. Nevertheless, I viewed him with a certain amount of respect. Sympathy even, when he was unceremoniously sacked by the incoming Prime Minister, Theresa May.

But that has been blown to smithereens by last week's press when, as the now editor of The Evening Standard, he is reported as telling colleagues that he would not rest until Mrs May was "chopped up in bags in" his "freezer." Revenge is evidently not served just cold, but in freezer-bags in his house.
So much for sticks and stones, Georgie Boy, these words are shards and axes. They do you no credit whatsoever. And you have been summarily admonished in a Bunion Blog.
How are the mighty fallen!
George should heed old Russian advice

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