Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Biscuits and Billions...

The opening of Billions should come with a government health warning for the over-sixties, or should that be the over-sexties? If I hadn't had a recommendation from one of my dearest friends in Cardiff, I would have thought it was time to pull the plug, in the first twenty seconds. Biting on a Bourbon biscuit sharply, I told Dearest  that this was standard viewing in Cardiff. And that (gulp)  we should stick with it. Which is what the screen couple... oh, never mind. Well, once we got over that rather novel way of grabbing the viewer by the Bourbon (which I shouldn't have been eating anyway) the rest was plain-sailing.

Not exactly plain and not much sailing. But an extremely slick, well-crafted drama that moves along apace and carries you with it. Even though as an ordinary hedge-fundless mortal, I grasp at meanings of short-longs and long-shorts. You get the gist, because this is the setting for a power-struggle between an attorney and a fabulously wealthy entrepreneur who has made a financial killing on the back of 9.11. The plot pivots and twists between the the two adversaries, leaving the moral compass vibrating. There is no classic good guy; they are both fatally flawed, but with redeeming features.

So this is my recommendation: don't watch it with your Granny or your children, and keep a packet of crisp biscuits at the ready. And maybe a warm cocoa for dunking..

Alternatively, embrace it with a stiff gin. My idea of a short-long. Or maybe it's a long-short? Either way.... Mine's a double. Easy on the tonic.

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