Monday, 8 May 2017

Cracking Yokes...

When I start posting pictures of my supper on Instagram, please shoot me. It will be the thin end of the wedge. Rest assured, I will already have eaten the fat end.  However, I feel moved to tell you this evening about my simple repast. An omelette.
Now, I have, historically, been crap at making omelettes. Despite my best efforts, they have always turned out scrambled and overcooked. No more. I have been given an extraordinarily simple device which you put in the base of a frying pan.
Yes, I know I'm holding it as if it's a medieval contraception device, but despite its simplicity, it is devilish tricky to photograph.
The truth of the matter is that it requires no fat or oil, and therefore produces a handsome-looking omelette that is fiendishly healthy. It is, of course, pretty bloody tasteless unless you stick in some jolly tasty herbs and some full-fat cheddar.    
I don't know why I'm sharing this . You're probably all cordon bleu cooks that need no culinary advice from a Bunion blogger. Saves on the washing up?  No takers? I'll shut up.

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