Thursday, 23 February 2017

Trouble With the Wind...

Imagine an old lady. Tartan sheepskin-lined slippers with dangly pompoms, apron always on, curlers in hair, partly covered by headscarf. Meet the kindly old Doris of my youth.. Her only puff would be on a Players Number Six (or a Numby as I recall fondly they were called in my student days).

Today's Doris, with gale-force winds and worse, is a bit of a hell-raiser. Everywhere I've been, there are bins, if emptied, blown-over, or if not, the lids blown-open and their contents disgorged along the pavements. This is the South East where we are experiencing a less tumultuous visit from Storm Doris than the rest of the country. If I weren't such a sturdy girl, I could have been felled this morning. 

Talking of which, you could have bowled me over with a feather, when I read in today's papers that no longer are 5 portions of fruit 'n'veg good enough for healthy living. Now, if we wish to circumnavigate the potential deathtraps of life, we have to double the number we first thought of. Yes, 800 grams of fruit and vegetables is what is being recommended.  
I would regard myself as a generally healthy eater who has a small (but pronounced) predilection for quality alcohol, and the occasional (highly calorific) nibble, but even I quail at the sheer volume we should now be contemplating. 
Dear Lord, if, as a nation, we put this into practice we'll all be giving Storm Doris a run for her money.
Food to blow you away....

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