Saturday, 11 February 2017

And we were singing, Hymns and Arias...

Rugby is a religion in Wales. Although living in Hertfordshire, my Welsh father ensured that we were educated in the game.   Wales has just lost to England, dividing our living room. An exciting match where Wales has truly recovered form. But not quite enough to extract a win against an equally determined England.
I've once had the privilege of watching a game in the Cardiff stadium. A memorable occasion. People will talk of the singing, but until you have been part of it, you have no idea of the sheer physicality of the sound.
Dearest daughter was keen that our six year old grandson watched the match. He has just started rugby in school. As he has a diminutive frame, she was slightly fearful of him being crushed by the bigger boys in his class. After the second lesson, he announced from the back seat of the car, that he had come third in rugby. With a rudimentary understanding of rugby, she knew that didn't sound quite right, but still, coming third was coming third, after all. She glowed all the way home.
"Tell Daddy how you did in rugby today," she said.
"I came third in getting dressed after Rugby," he announced proudly.

Today, he watched the game for a minute or two, then wandered off to build some Lego,
"That's not how we play it," he shrugged.
My daughter relaxed. For the time being.
JPR Williams Full-Back, Wales, and Hero of my youth

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