The big thing about renovations when you have been in a house for thirty six years is that you realise that this is your last shot at major interior design. You are either going to move. Onwards, or eventually upwards. It's not a morbid observation; this is it how it is.
I have a friend who's husband prefaces every new major purchase with "The Death...". So a new bed becomes...You've got it.
He has a predisposition for collecting and hanging on to things in the event that they may come in useful at some point in the future. They have his mother living with them. Her little invalid car is in the garage. She is no longer able to use it, but it remains where it is, taking up a great deal of space. My friend suggested that he sold it. But with a familiar look in his eye, he said,"Might as well hang on to it..." What a harbinger of doom! You can imagine it flashing its lights, purring its engine and saying, "I'm waiting for you..."
Suddenly, Dearest's protests, that his moth-eaten fisherman's jumper has still got plenty of years left, as he removes it from the top of the jumble pile, pale into insignificance by comparison.
That was, until this morning.
I may have mentioned that Dearest has taken to the mean streets of Hertfordshire in the early hours. Sometimes, though mainly not, accompanied by me. On top of an average ten hour day, this obviously requires iron-discipline, absolute focus, and a very short fuse..
This morning, he could not find a clean Polo shirt to complete his jogging ensemble.
He didn't understand why he could never find anything. He just could not understand the effing system. At all.
I was aghast. I gently pointed out that there was no F in system. And that in thirty six years of marriage that there never had been. I was astounded that it was only now that he realised it.
It's true. It really is. There never has been, and I've just been rumbled.
Well, not quite. I didn't say all this aloud. I will, however, make system-making my project of the day.
After I've read the newspaper.
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