Wednesday, 11 May 2016

In Search of Fine Vines.....

Well, what time do you call early when you are on holiday? If you get up at five in the morning to catch the train, then I suppose 7.30 constitutes a lie-in.  It didn't feel like one. As we scrambled to dress and breakfast by 9.00, not once did I ask whose idea was this?
As the booking was made at the last minute, it was not entirely clear as to whether this venture was for us alone, or in a small group. I confess that as Dearest who made the arrangement  has a congenital dislike of any group activity unless he is part of a cricket team, I assumed it would be a cosy threesome. Not so! Outside was a handsome eight seater Peugeot. With two remaining seats for two little Brits amongst six other, American, guests. ( From Texas, in case you're curious, my American readers..) 
As we clambered aboard, I heard the sound of Dearest's heart nose-diving to the ground, and as I shook hands with the nearest and hailed those in front, I hoped that none of them had heard it. 
Conceptually, a group outing is my husband's idea of hell, but this was, as it turned out, a most wonderful and entertaining day.

Francois Marcou, our guide, is a natural entertainer and an educator. His verve, his enthusiasm, his gusto should be bottled and uncorked whenever you need an uplift. 
We learnt so much about how to taste wine that I fear I have wasted too many years to mention, glugging, not savouring it. And ruining it by fingers on the glass. "Zut alors," as my old French teacher used to say. (Not heard, a single French person say this. Ever.) 
A beautiful lunch in a hill top restaurant with stunning views was very much needed, as you have absolutely no idea how exhausting wine tasting can be.. And no, it's not obligatory to spit it out after every tasting. I did find, however, that the high step back into the car got higher as the day progressed which meant, dignity sacrificed, I received several marital 
poussées de derriere to re-launch me . ( Look, I am just trying to make it sound more elegant than it was in reality...) 
The trip was nine hours long and  at 110 euros each, not a cheap option. But in terms of entertainment, conviviality and newfound knowledge it was an experience non pareil.  
Yes, you can shove yer Gran on a bus... If it's being driven by Francois Marcou.. Guide extraordinaire.

Find him on Trip Advisor.... You won't be disappointed..

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