Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Watching the Cress Grow....

By golly, it's faster than grass. Cress that is. You can sit and watch it grow all day and feel that you've done something useful.
A Science experiment box opened on Sunday revealed three mini flower pots and a packet of seeds. If you want almost instant action, then Cress surely delivers... (Unlike Dairy Crest which doesn't any more.)

Back in the day, I recall damp blotting paper on the kitchen window sill, yielding a sparse offering of cress, enough for a minute egg and cress sandwich to be shared four ways... Delicious. You could always tell it was home-reared.  If you could identify it all.  Maybe the odd strand between the teeth?Or the bean in a jam jar, again with blotting paper, (Oh blotting paper, where art thou, now?) lean, and deformed, searching for the light.

Images of childhood abound at the moment.
My daughter was given a little crate of glass milk bottles. It made her nostalgic, for both she and her brother  enjoyed small bottles of milk at break time in their infant school. Oh, the honour of being a Milk Monitor... No greater pleasure than being able to stick the straws into 44 bottles of milk. That's how many there were in our class, in the sixties. I can tell you, because I took the honour seriously. And counted slowly.

Milk was delivered in bottles until cartons and plastic bottles took over. Most of us now seem to spend a large amount of  time actively re-cycling our refuse which includes squishing the air out of large milk containers to reduce volume. And some of us even know which coloured bin to put them in... I say nothing more on that front, but you get my drift. It's enough to make you want to squish the air out of someone close to you...
So I was I was really pleased to see that Muller, the big dairy company (which bought out Dairy Crest) is talking about "rejuvenating and expanding Milk and More which delivers to 600,000 homes". This means ditching the plastic and going back to glass bottles. Re-employing all those milkmen, and recruiting more.
Ernie, once more you can be the fastest living milkman in the West...

Now that's true re-cycling... old ideas and products... delivering a glass act, if ever there were one.

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