Are you not constantly amazed by the funding that goes into things that are totally self-explanatory to the likes of you and me?
There was an item reported this week that boredom snacks are recipe for obesity. Shock-horror indeed. The thought had never occurred to me that I might be eating because I was bored. I am apparently seeking stimulation when my dopamine levels are low. And I thought I was merely being a greedy little piglet when those eleven o'clock pangs lead me by the snout into the kitchen for a bit of unholy foraging for items of an unhealthy nature. No, according to the University of Central Lancashire, I am being driven by boredom.
They have done research with two groups: one watching an entertaining video, and the other a lecture on statistics, surrounded by snacks. Like the whole schamozzle: from healthy (i.e boring) options like fruit and salad (salad? You cannot call that a "snack", unless you have buck teeth and a bobbly tail) to crisps and (now you're talking..) chocolate.
And guess what? The poor suckers who got the statistics lecture, ate more crisps and sweets than the other group.
I could have told them this. Needn't have gone to all the trouble and the expense of family-sized packets of Walkers...
The other scientific headline that caught my eye this week, is that we should all postpone retirement if we want to live longer. Bloody great that is. Been quite enjoying my retirement since January, entre-nous.
Now, I'll have to start looking for a part-time job of some description...
Maybe the University of Central Lancashire need some part-time volunteers to finish up those crisps?
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