Sunday 3 June 2018

Star-Grazing in Cornwall....

Nobody ever wants to be a sub-prefect. Or a deputy Head Girl. In the same way, I imagine, that if you are a celebrity then you don't really want to be a minor celebrity. So with this is mind, I feel a little on the mean side by describing the two well-known faces I spotted at fifty yards as minor slebs. They were staying at our hotel in Cornwall last week.  I was as chuffed as punch to have identified them, as I only know one from the radio. I then studiously avoided eye-contact with them for the rest of the week. Because the last thing you want to do when on holiday is make eye-contact with outsiders. Nest-ce pas? That goes for me, rather than them. At the end of the week they might have been wondering, "Doesn't anyone here know who we bloody are??"

But the hotel we stay at, is such a charming bastion of English refinement  (boasting an hors d'oeuvres trolley as well as a pudding trolley) that nobody heeded their presence and concentrated on consuming as many calories as it is humanly possible to do, in any given day.
What I did learn, however, is that when, in future, I spot someone well-known, I do not discretely nudge Dearest-soul-of-discretion, and draw them to his attention. Not unless I want to hear the immortal words,
"Who??? Never heard of 'em!"
Not even when I Googled him a picture.
Maybe I was the only one to recognise them.
If they are reading this Bunion Blog in search of guidance and stumble across this entry then I am sure they will be impressed by my consummate discretion.

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