Thursday, 10 May 2018

Welsh Matters...

You wouldn't say I was partisan would you? I have found these eggs and to be honest, I can't say they taste any different to any other egg I've ever eaten. But I like the name and the graphics, and I'm hoping they will turn me into a prop forward for the Scarlets (Up the Scarlets! ) Llanelli's rugby team which supplies vast numbers of players for the Welsh national team.
So really, while I am only Welsh in terms of my parentage, I am interested in anything Welsh. Like the woollen mill at Melin Tregwynt, and Welsh cakes (not the same from Waitrose). Male Voice choirs. (May they all remain 100% male and none of this Me too stuff ). Tom Jones (in his hey-day for her); Katherine Jenkins (any day, for Him).

So last week, when The Sunday Times suggested a Welsh drama, Keeping Faith, that could rival the Scandi noir that we've all taken to, I was intrigued. It had been broadcast in English and Welsh. The lead actress, Eve Myles, is English but had wanted the part so badly she had learnt Welsh for it. (Impressive, good-girl.) It had only a week to go on I-player, so we gave it some welly.  Well'e didn't, because he fell asleep in the final episode. No stamina. I thought that it might have had English subtitles, and that we would hear the spoken Welsh, but no. Ours was, naturally, the English version.

I really wanted to love it, but it was all a bit too much. Too much passion. I'm not talking nudity, but hwyl. For me, I confess, it all needed to be toned down a notch. I couldn't help feeling that it would have played much better in Welsh, somehow.This got me thinking about the smattering of Welsh I learnt as child.
Today I looked up where I could take Welsh lessons.
I expect the moment will pass. Most of my moments do, if I sit very still.
Maybe, I'll just keep eating the eggs instead. Up the Scarlets!

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