Monday, 13 March 2017

Saturday Night Delights...

Put a Tiger in your Tank ran a successful advertising slogan for petrol in the sixties.  So it came as no surprise, when  Dearest produced a new bottle of gin, Garden Tiger, that it packed one hell of a pounce. Er, no, one hell of a punch. First to assault the senses is a grab-you-by-the-throat orange (blood-red, according to the makers) and then a bouquet garni of herbs and spices. The only one of which I could, with any authority, identify was coriander. Now, I am a big fan of coriander but wasn't quite ready to find it in my gin.  So it was an interesting gin, a hefty potion, that I spent the rest of Saturday evening acclimatising to. By the third (small measures, natch) I was beginning to get the hang of it.

Saturday night also saw us take up the recommendation of Delegated Survivor on Netflix. It was good to see our old mate, Keiffer. You know, Keiffer Suvverland, as I like to call him. Not to his face, obviously. Our introduction to this actor coincided with our first experience of Boxed Sets (I have such a problem with articulating that phrase. When I say it, it always comes out as something sounding vaguely tantric. Whatever that is.) So as first experiences often go, Keiffer is special. We went through a lot with him in 24 and couldn't understand how he came out of it looking fitter, sexier and toned while we, mere onlookers, looked ragged, bleary and in need of several nights' sleep.

So here he is, back on our screens, as the President of the USA. You can tell he's no longer Jack Bauer because he wears a suit, sports a pair of glasses for gravitas, and rarely breaks into anything more than a statesmanlike stride. Early days yet, of course; the inner Jack could yet break through.  There is still, however, the same low, gravelly doom-laden voice which means that if you closed your eyes (As Dearest frequently does, TO REST THEM, he says) you would be transported joyfully back to the high octane drama of 24. 

On Saturday night I slept like a baby. I think it was because I believed that Jack Bauer was in charge of the Presidency and that all would be well.
Or it could just possibly be that there was a lot of Tiger in my tank.


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