Monday, 28 November 2016

Quizzes and cocktails....

In my youth, I would occasionally do the Cosmopolitan quiz. Depended on how I wanted to delude myself, really, because the answers were always blindingly obvious. If I wanted to be a spontaneous party-gal, I would pick all the Bs, and reject anything that might confirm me as the feet-on-ground, totally-centred, homegirl that  I really am. Personality quizzes are silly and usually unsophisticated. I don't need a quiz or a test to tell me I am an introverted extrovert, or an extroverted introvert. I still haven't decided which, and hell, it doesn't matter a jot.
But old habits die hard and in the paper at the weekend, a headline caught my eye: "Want a loan? Then take the super power test."
I didn't want a loan, thank you, and I am not looking for another mortgage, but this was irresistable. And unguessable. And that surely was the point. This was a test for those poor souls who have been refused credit using conventional schemes. Seemingly, present systems are dependent on demographics rather than personality which means that a number of worthy candidates are consistently being failed by the system. It is a measure of emotional stability. There are no right or wrong answers (I just love tests like these..) The more sophisticated aspect of the test is that it records how long your mouse hovers over an answer which feeds back even more data for assessment.
So I am sharing some of the questions with you and my answers:
If you were a drink, which one would you be?
A cocktail
A cup of coffee
Fizzy pop
A cup of tea
A glass of water

Well, darlings, the altruist in me would be a glass of water but I would have to say cocktail. Makes me shallow, I know. Not that shallow... a really deep cocktail. And better company too. Been drinking a lot of water recently and I'm as miserable as sin.

What's your worst habit?
Spilling Drinks on carpets
Flatulence in lifts      (Never in a lift)
Nose picking

Hands up to untidiness.... Both hands while kicking undies under bed when Alarm man calls unexpectedly to service alarm.

Which super power would you give yourself?
The power to find a pot of gold at end of the rainbow
Extraordinary horticultural skills   (Blimey! Who wants to be the fastest hedge-cutter in the west? Hmm..but always fancied topiary)
Superfast runner
Superhuman strength
Mind reading
Such suppleness that your nose can touch your bottom

As I limp around the place, now with two feet on the ground, but one still bandaged, and move from chair to chair, I am what you might call, rickety-boo.  But as the inactivity for the past week has seized me up, it is like gazing into the future. So I would go for such suppleness that my nose can touch my bottom. Guess what? That answer would give me a splendid 5/6 stars for being a credit good egg. Defo time for a cocktail. Now where's the gin and glucosamine?  You could forget all about the tonic.
I frequently do.

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