In a small village High Street, an empty shop front looks like a missing tooth. So when a cafe failed to flourish and finally shut down, we breathed a sigh of relief to see that someone was taking it over. The shop front was painted a very contemporary shade of Elephants' Breath, and for several months there was a veritable hive of industry as they gutted and re-designed the interior. Finally signage appeared: ta-da! "Bathe'n Vape".
Well now, I know about vaping and I know about bathing but I couldn't possibly imagine how you could combine the two. Did it have Turkish baths out the back where you could sweat it out with an electronic fag? It troubled me for several weeks until yesterday when I saw the sign has been altered to "Bathe in Vape". Now why would anyone want to do that? And anyway, I thought the whole point of vaping was that you did not produce any vape? I may have got this wrong but I cannot see any conceivable reason why you would wish to surround yourself in any kind of fug created by you or anyone else.
Closer inspection of the window revealed other curiosities. Coffee, yes, but what are Mods? Nothing to do with Rockers, patently, And what are liquid coils? Oh boy, even dodgier territory here. Who'd 've thought we needed coffee and contraception in our vaping village?
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