Thursday, 4 August 2016

Cannae Floss?

Well, do you? Did you? Are you going to carry on, in the face of the latest scientific research that suggests that flossing does not remove plaque?

Of course, it doesn't remove plaque. Plaque requires a hand grenade of Viakal to remove it, or the Periodontist's chiselling bit to chip it off.  That waxed cotton merely glides up and down the surface of your plaque-encrusted molars. But floss is bloody good at removing the large shin of beef that gets wedged between the gnashers every time you have a roast dinner, or sending a smackerel of streaky bacon sky high before landing in the dog, every time you have the Great British Breakfast.

I'm off to the dentist tomorrow, smug in the knowledge that there will be no tsking about the lack of flossing.
But it doesn't pay to be too smart with a chap who has a drill in his hand.
Hopefully, the dentist will not be holding one of mine tomorrow...

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