Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Dicing with Yoga (Bacteria-Hysteria)

Dearest has taken up yoga.
Not in any grand sense.  I don't find him engaged in a Lotus position on the living room carpet when I stagger down to breakfast in the morning. Rather, he has booked himself a course of ten sessions so that he will actually pursue this notion properly. You know, all part of  the health regime?
Well, he's done two sessions now. The first left him almost crippled for the whole of the weekend. The noise was so great that I insisted that he had a couple of large Nurofen.  With typical male bravura he refused my offer, 'til in the end I said that if he didn't take them I'd use them myself to plug my ears.The second session went way better. No Nurofen required. Merely an accentuation of the usual creaking. Low volume.

However, I was alarmed to read this weekend of the potential hazards that lurk on a yoga mat. Tests carried out by the International Antimicrobial Council in the States say that yoga leggings contain 747,000 bacteria, even after they have been washed in good quality soap powder. Thank God he hasn't gone for leggings, is what I say. But I did find myself picking up his post-yoga joggers (which looked fine to the naked eye) with a pair of barbecue tongs and I wore a surgical mask.
Better safe than sorry, that's my motto.

And as for the yoga mats... Dr Robert Lahita, a microbiologist and professor of medicine at Rutgers school of medicine, New Jersey, describes yoga  mats as " a very fertile source of infection, mainly because people sweat on them and they are rarely cleaned". Well, I almost fainted when I read this. I have been letting Dearest out unattended and allowing him to be exposed to Bubonic plague and the like, spread by other people's yoga mats. What's the chap doing? Trying to get us all killed?

It was enough to prompt me to forage constructively in the Under-the-Stairs cupboard (a bourne whence no traveller usually returns) to search for the two Yoga mats we bought and put away, after it was discovered, many years ago up a mountain in St Paul de Vence, that there was no earthly way a Sun Salutation could ever be imposed on my over- upholstered frame.
It was time well spent as the Plumber required access to the furthermost reaches of the cupboard to put in his pipework.
I offered him my old Yoga mat as a kneeler. The other I put to one side and started searching for a pint of anti-bacterial solution, and a strong alcohol rub.
Wouldn't mind one of those myself.
Day 7 without alcohol and I might have to do some serious sniffing... Or just give me a rub down with an oily alcohol rag.

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