Saturday, 9 January 2016

Support from an unexpected source...

For two weeks after the op my left leg will be in the air. Not waving around looking for mobile phone receptivity (which is poor in our house) but rather to keep blood flowing in the right direction for healing purposes. This might understandably be a little tiring so you support it with a number of pillows. (Now is the time to make sure that you have plenty and that they are in good condition).

If you are going to be banana-shaped for two weeks you do not want to be facing overgrown horny toenails.
So before the operation I would suggest a pedicure. There are however, a number of things that should be on your personal check-list; this is my proposed list:

  1. Pedicure from beautician (cheaper than podiatrist and better level of banter). However, if feet have been seriously neglected, plump for podiatrist.
  2. Attend to personal flora and fauna. 
  3. Get your haircut as short as vanity will allow. (Dear Gustav with his fabulous flair, cut mine as short as he could, right down to the wood.)
  4. Get teeth looked at. (No, not like Farmer and horse) Go to dentist. I know this is not what many many people want to hear. However, you do not want to end up with a sensurround of foot-ache and face-ache.
  5. Check you have a trainer at the ready to wear on the good foot. (This is an easy one for me as the other one is normally at the back of the wardrobe.)
  6. Review night attire: you might have visitors... does it pass muster in public?
  7. Check that you have some additional support in the loo. I have a big fear of being stranded there, so I have already tested out the strength of the toilet roll holder fitting and placed a chair the other side for additional  leverage. Both are holding nicely after a few dummy-runs.
I will of course, review this list  after I've put it to the test.

Someone asked me how the diet was going. Not terribly well. Mountains of kale to get through: an embarrassment of kale, really. I thought I would be busy juicing it, but diet book was out of stock and so I have to wait til next week. Pretty sure that Kale and Kiev is not on the diet plan, and that it won't say to wash down with a half bottle of fine red. As abstinence is on the horizon,  I'm taking a brief but belligerent stand against government advice.


  1. I have been much enjoying your blog, although that seems almost a little sadistic bearing in mind the subject matter. I see that no one has commented thus far, and feel that the privilege of being the first might in some small way counterbalance the inadequacy I feel; you are quite wrong about teaching your baby granny to suck eggs: I have no experience of writing blogs and you have beaten me! So by being the first to comment I can perhaps bask in some kind of reflected something or other.
    Well done and keep up the writing. I expect you to be typing away as soon as the grogginess wears off enough to locate a keyboard!
    PS I'm ashamed to say I can't even see how to become a follower, or I would...

  2. Delete that PS - my techie son and I worked it out together. You are now officially followed by me.
