It's when you can taste the sugar in All Bran you know you have a habit. Sugar is crack cocaine to the recovering Slimmer. But it is very hard to avoid, unless you submit to a lifetime of vigilance. Reading every label. Sometimes twice. Before and after you've found your specs, because this is the small print. Yes, it's the small print that makes you large. You read it and then decide the carton would contain less sugar and therefore be better for you. Not as tasty, but in some cases, providing equal amount of fibre.
So I am packing up all the remaining sweetmeats after Christmas and hiding them under the stairs ( Ssh! Step back! This post will self-destruct in 30 seconds). I am trusting of my own will power but not of my fellow addict who has been eyeing up his next indulgence with a maniacal gleam in his eye, which is all too familiar.
2017 will be the year I save ourselves from the tyrannical thrall of sugar...
I wish you all a happy, healthy New Year.
"No, I don't know where they went..."
"Maybe I gave them to the kids..."
"Got some lovely fruit salad in the fridge. No, I know it's not the same as Rumtopf, or Stollen, or the last packet of mince pies..."
Wish me luck.
May all baubles remain attached 'til Twelfth Night |